The RCA Brand
For 100 years, the RCA brand has been there for countless moments in family rooms across America. Through it all, families have come to expect exceptional performance, quality, innovation and value from RCA.
Today, the RCA brand symbolizes American ingenuity worldwide. Its iconic name can be found on flat-panel and 4K televisions, tablets, smartphones, home appliances, and many other extraordinary products. From our biggest public moments to the smaller, more personal ones, RCA has been a part of our lives and will continue to be today, tomorrow and well into the future.
RCA has always been a solid choice for consumer electronics products, from the first radio sets that swept the country in the early 1920’s to today’s dependable and affordable digital home entertainment products.

Everything we do is based on the values that drive us.The RCA brand believes in the power of technology to bring people together. That is why every RCA product is designed to be innovative, stylish, intuitive and approachable.
The RCA brand is an icon of American ingenuity and quality. For 100 years, the brand has been associated with products that have been trusted by families around the world.

Throughout history, the RCA brand has been all about capturing and sharing moments—both big and small.
Its wide range of products are designed to help people continue this tradition—of making moments together—bringing people and families together around the world.

The RCA brand was a pioneer in radio broadcast, color TV and much more. Today, the innovation continues with the latest in 4K TVs, smartphones and tablets.

While innovation is at the core of the brand, the designs of RCA products are simple, modern, practical and easy to use—making life easier and more enjoyable overall. When it comes to ease of use, availability and value, RCA is a brand that is accessible to everyone, worldwide. Its products are designed to be intuitive, simple and attainable for all—without sacrificing the latest technological advancements.

Nipper & Chipper
Nipper’s story stretches back to England in the late 1800’s. Scenic artist Francis Barraud of London saw his little dog, Nipper, sitting attentively in front of the talking machine. Barraud was so impressed that he decided to put it on canvas. The alert terrier with an ear cocked to listen to the phonograph was immortalized in a painting that later became the RCA Victor trademark. The image became the successful trademark of the Victor and HMV record labels, HMV music stores and RCA. The iconic image of Nipper looking into a phonograph became an international symbol of quality and excellence. Nipper lives on through the brand names and has even appeared in ads on television with his “son”—a puppy named Chipper who was added to the RCA family in 1991.